We always make a yearly video for her birthday. We hope you enjoy the video and song. It fits her so much! :)
off, we do want to apologize for not getting another update out there until
now. Clara has been doing so great. She is talking more and more
and trying to put phrases together…in between all the silliness of course.
Our most exciting news is that she has taken steps completely unassisted,
all on her own and under her own power. Unfortunately, we are having a
hard time getting it on video because she is getting so excited to do it, she
starts laughing and loses her balance. Please continue to pray for her
and the medical and therapy team. Clara and her team are working so hard.
We are so proud of her progress and so thankful for everyone that is
caring for her. Everything is working and we are finally starting to see
everything come together for her.
In the
near future, we are looking at another surgery. This would involve her
eyes and is to help correct some muscle issues around her eyes. We'll
have more about this once we see her doctors again. Prayerfully, this
would help with her sight and balance when trying to walk also. Just one
more piece of our little puzzle.
On a side
note, please pray for Mom and Dad. As Clara gets older, she gets a little
more...let's just say adventurous and stubborn. Our struggle right now is
the need to discipline her like any other 3-year-old for misbehaving, but
because she can’t communicate as well, it’s very trying and difficult to teach
her what is OK and what is not. She’s very smart and knows exactly what’s
going on and exactly what she wants, but because her communication is behind
because of her working so hard on her physical struggles, it’s just hard to be
the Mom and Dad we need to be with that barrier.
Thank you
all so much for all you do for us and please continue to share to get her story
out there.