Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Lot Can Happen in 5 Years

It has been quite a long time since we posted an update on Clara Faith.  We're sorry for not keeping this more up to date, but as you all know, life happens.

Clara continues to make incredible progress and is catching up so quickly.  She is doing great in Pre-K.  Clara loves going to school to see all of her friends.  Her teachers have been fantastic this year and have taught her so much.  She is learning ABC's, how to count, her colors...everything a little person needs to learn when they are young.  Being home-bound during the COVID-19 outbreak has let us see her at her finest and teach her even more.  Sometimes she's getting a little too smart for her own good.

Medically, she is showing so much improvement.  At some point this year, we are still on track for her G-Tube to be removed.  She no longer needs it.  We were waiting to get through flu season before we went through that and then COVID happened.  She is still having therapy for her muscle tone, but is getting so much stronger.  We are also starting to try adjusting her thyroid medicine down.  Her doctors believe that if they lower the dosage little by little, they will be able to see how her body reacts.  This will allow them to make a better treatment plan.


This past week marked 5 years since the start of our medical journey with Clara Faith.  5 years ago, Clara spent 10 days in the hospital, with really no answers at that time.  She has seen over 50 medical professionals, had countless procedures, surgeries and therapies.  Still, nothing steals her joy!

To celebrate her 5 year mark, we made a special video with her favorite song to share her joy with everyone else.  We hope you like it!

Adam, Julie, Joshua and Clara Faith